Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The First Blog

I'll use this space to vent and talk about the things happening with the Groover family.

We just returned a few days ago from our annual Christmas trip to my hometown (Mt. Vernon, Il.). Boy was it COLD up there! A few of the days the wind chill was hovering near zero! No snow this year. Danny & the kids were a bit disappointed. Not me. Guess after living in the frozen tundra growing up I've come to despise snow and being super cold. That's why we live in the south! :-)

While in ole MtV, we visited with friends, my parents, my brother and his family, aunt & uncle and Grandma. Grandma has been struggling lately. In early November she was admitted to the hospital because they couldn't get her heart regulated - we found out that she has atrial fibrulation (a condition where the top part of the heart doesn't work properly). On top of that it was discovered that her gall bladder had gone bad. It took a few weeks to get her strong enough for the surgery - which she thankfully came through with flying colors! Since she wasn't strong enough to go back to her assisted living apartment she was sent to a nursing home - and she hates it. Then had a return trip to the hospital where she had to get a pacemaker. Please join us in praying for her to be able to regain her strength and be able to return to her apartment.

We also visited with our friends the Howerton's who live in Murphysboro. It was great to see Joe and the kids. At the same time it was sad to know that Cindy would not be there. Samantha had a great time playing with Amanda. Wished they lived closer so the girls could play together more often.

Today we put Christmas back up in the attic. Not sure which takes longer - getting it all down and placed in the house or putting it all back up. The latter also means finding everything that has been placed in the house. Knock on wood - it looks like I found everything before Danny carried the boxes back up to the attic.

Well, there it is. The first blog. Hope you enjoyed it. We'll add more later.

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