Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Been a while...

It has been awhile since my last post - 4 months - but I've been staying busy. Here's a brief rundown:

  • Taught two classes this summer
  • Took a week vacation to New Smyrna Beach, Fla.
  • Visited the Kennedy Space Center
  • Watched a Space Shuttle launch
  • Ate a lot of good food while on vacation
  • Attended my 20 year high school reunion
  • Wrote notes for two of my fall classes
  • Creating syllabi for three fall classes
  • Still working on creating quizzes for these classes
  • School supply shopping with the kiddos
  • And a multitude of other things
It's nice to stay busy, but where in the world has the time gone? I can't believe it's already August and my kids are back in school. This year has really flown by. It'll be Christmas before we know it - and I'm not ready for it to be either!

I'm going to *try* to get better at writing and posting something, especially since I'm considering having my PR Writing students write a weekly blog in class this fall. Have to lead by example. :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What's in a ZIP Code Anyway?

62889, 62864, 37682, 30458, 30461....what do these numbers have in common? Well, other than the obvious answer of ZIP codes, they are the zip codes in which I have lived throughout my life thus far.

What does a zip do? Well, it lets the postmaster know where to deliver the mail, right? Right.

Back in the 90's, a certain zip code did more than let someone know where to deliver the dreaded credit card bill. Most of you know what I'm talking about...."Beverly Hills 90210" made its debut Oct. 4, 1990. I did not start watching this program until my very good friend & college roommate, Cindy, made it a part of our weekly schedule. She caught me up on the 1st season and we were off. Now they show reruns on SOAPNet and even have a new version that airs on the WB (or whatever it's called now) network.

I've seen pieces of the new version and I have to say that the original is much better (isn't it usually anyway?). That said, they have included a couple of the original cast, which I guess was their way of getting those of us that watched in the 90s to watch again. It was fun when it first came out...Cindy & I would chat about it, make fun of it and reminisce about the old episodes. It was something that we enjoyed and also helped keep her mind off her health problems. It wasn't long after she passed that I was watching the episode where they let us know that Kelly's son is also Luke's (I mean Dylan's) son, and just as I was about to reach for the phone to dish this with her did it dawn on me that I couldn't call her.

I know it sounds stupid, sophomoric,whatever, to be caught up in a show. In college, that show was our way of having fun. Yeah, we could have been like some college students and found a party somewhere or done something else. But this, this was our thing. There were a few others that shared our interest in the show, but we were regulars on that couch in the lobby of Hart Hall. They are memories I will cherish always.

On a side note, Cindy had these 90210 stickers that she would use to embellish envelopes, notes, letters, etc. She once told me that when she was cleaning out items with her scrapbooking she found stickers she didn't have many of, didn't want to use, etc. So she was going to give them to her daughter, Amanda. Cindy's husband, Joe, saw some of the stickers and asked about the 90210 ones and why she wasn't going to give them to Amanda. Cindy said she looked at him and said (I'm sure with a straight face) 'No, those are my good stickers.'

So, regardless of what zip code you have your mail delivered to, memories have been made that can never be forgotten.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I can breathe now

As I've mentioned in the last two posts, my future as a temp instructor was in doubt. Well, today in a meeting with my department chair (on another matter entirely) let me know that the funding has come through for my position next year. Yeah! Praise God! It made my Monday.

My Monday didn't start out well, but it certainly ended on a high note! Thanks for all the thoughts & prayers. They were definitely heard!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Brief sigh of relief

As I posted last, my future as a temp instructor was up in the air. After today's meeting with our department chair, it still is for the most part.

She did her best to reassure us that she's doing all she can for us to have jobs in the fall. Our department is the largest in our college - so I see that as a point in our favor. It also looks like we'll go from teaching four classes to five. As long as I have a job, I am perfectly fine with that!!

I would still appreciate prayer that the funding will come through for all of us. As I know more, I'll post it. :-)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow"

I chose this Proverb as the title of the blog because I've been doing a little bit of worrying this afternoon. Now I know worrying isn't going to make a dent in the situation, it's just a human reaction to a human issue.

The issue....possible budget cuts at the university. The temporary instructors in my department (and I believe campus wide) live year to year, contract to contract. With the current economic distress, we may be the next casualties. My department chair is meeting with the temps in my department on Friday afternoon to discuss the possibilities. So far it appears that if the classes we are "supposed" to be teaching this fall make, there's a greater chance of getting the contract.

My officemate and I are both temps and are feeling about the same way about this. Obviously there's a need for us, or we wouldn't be in the position we're currently in. There's only so many classes a full professor can teach before they have to be paid more for doing so.

Now, please don't take that as being cocky, it's just our thought for the moment. The thought that will hopefully carry us through this current crisis.

Please pray for us. There are eight temps in my office covering communication studies, broadcasting, journalism and public relations. Once I know more I'll post.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Things That Make Me Wanna Scream

I don't like to be a negative Nancy, but let's face it, there are just things in life that make you wanna scream. Here are a few of mine:

  • When drivers refuse to use the turn lane on a five (or more) lane road. I mean, come on, what the heck do they think it's there for? Decoration? Nope.
  • The way the students at Georgia Southern drive. Maybe it's this way at all other universities, but these kids have no idea of what's going on around them. They're too busy texting while driving (seen 'em do it), talking on the phone (ok, I admit I do this one), talking to the other people in the car, etc.
  • Having a dog that won't do what you want it to. I need Cesar Milan to get on down to south Georgia and rehabilitate my dog and train me.
  • When the kids just won't get along. Ok, those of us that have older or younger siblings also drove our parents crazy with this one. And when they said 'one day you'll get pay back,' they were not joking.
  • When you've asked the kids at least 5 times to do something, anything and it's not until the sixth time (when you've had to add risk of punishment) that they actually complete the task.
  • When someone's in the 10 items or less line with at least 30 or more items.
  • When it's a busy time at Wal-Mart and there are only like 5 lanes open and you're the 10th person in just one of those lines.
  • Wal-Mart in general. No explanation necessary.
  • Watching "Deal or No Deal" and the contestant turns down $250,000 because there's still a 1 in a gazillion chance that their case is the one with the $1 million in it. (Of course once they turn it down, the next case or 2 has the $1 mill and they go home with $50, if they're lucky).
  • The fact that I can't call my best friend to chat about an old episode of "90210" or to just reminicise, because she went home to be with the Lord a few months ago. I miss her terribly.
Onto happier things, the things that make put a smile on my face:
  • Watching my kids while they sleep. Nothing's sweeter.
  • Watching a funny movie with my hubby.
  • When my kids draw me a picture or bring me a flower (even if the "flower" is really a pretty weed).
  • Alone time with my hubby.
  • Spending time with good friends.
  • Watching "The Office." Quite possibly one of the funniest shows I've ever watched.
  • Attending a wedding. Watching others declare their love and committment remind me of my wedding day.
  • Holding a baby. The cliche is true: they are the future.
  • When my kids actually want to spend time with us. You know what I mean, rather than the come on we're going to X. And the kids ask 'do we have to?' They think of an activity.
  • Attending a Harry Connick Jr. concert. Not only does he have an awesome voice, he's very easy on the eyes. :-)
  • Looking at friends pictures on Facebook.
  • Really good chocolate.
  • Seeing the "light" go off when a student (or my kids) "gets it." It is in constant change. It could be a concept in class, how to work a problem, etc.
  • When the kids do their chores without being reminded (doesn't happen often, but when it does it's incredible).
  • Watching my daughter play beauty parlor and "fixing up" her daddy's hair. It's quite the sight!
  • My kids laughter. Is there any better medicine?
  • Though I miss her terribly, I know that my friend is in a better place. A place with no more cancer, sickness or pain. She is in the presence of the Almighty. A place we should all strive for.
  • So many more things that I can't think of right now.
As evidenced above, the good outweigh the bad. It just sometimes takes more to see the good when it seems that the bad is staring you in the face. I'm trying to get better at seeing the good, just not sure it'll happen at Wal-Mart.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's been a little while...

It's been a little while since my last post. Suffice to say, we've been busy. As I'm typing Caleb is working on his spelling words & Samantha is teaching her (imaginary) class.

Georgia Southern started back to class last week so I'm still in the midst of placing names with faces. I'm hoping to have a better grasp on this in the next week or so. I have 38 students between the two sections of the public relations writing course and at least 40 in the public speaking course. Not firm on those numbers as I've already had a couple drop - before the first speech even! That's fine with me though - that many less speeches to listen to & grade. :-)

Now I'm listening to my seven-year-old daughter whine like a three-year-old. I can't stand when she reverts back to acting like this. It's so annoying when she decides to act this way. Of course, Caleb gets upset at any sound she makes when he's playing on the Wii. If she breathes too heavily he has a meltdown. Oy!

Time for dinner....til next time.... :-)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Wii Wii Wii All the Way Home

The kids (and by virtue, us parents) got a Wii for Christmas. It's been fun to play and work on getting those higher scores and lower your Wii age. The problem comes when one child gets a lower Wii age and the other gets upset. Or, if they play a 2 player game - there's a winner & there's a loser - and the loser often doesn't take it well. We're working on that one. One thing we've found that has worked (and given the parents the ability to get some time on it) is to have the kids read for time. For however long they read - 15 min, 30 min, etc. - is how much time they get to use on the Wii or computer - their choice. 2 birds, 1 stone. They need to accomplish their Accelerated Reading for school, and Danny and I enjoy playing on the Wii too! :-)

So far the favorite games are bowling, baseball & Mario Kart. What's yours?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

It's here - another year, another 365 days. I can only sit and wonder what this year will bring. I pray that it brings more happiness than sorrow - 2008 had plenty of the latter.

Wishing everyone a happy & blessed new year!