Sunday, March 15, 2009

What's in a ZIP Code Anyway?

62889, 62864, 37682, 30458, 30461....what do these numbers have in common? Well, other than the obvious answer of ZIP codes, they are the zip codes in which I have lived throughout my life thus far.

What does a zip do? Well, it lets the postmaster know where to deliver the mail, right? Right.

Back in the 90's, a certain zip code did more than let someone know where to deliver the dreaded credit card bill. Most of you know what I'm talking about...."Beverly Hills 90210" made its debut Oct. 4, 1990. I did not start watching this program until my very good friend & college roommate, Cindy, made it a part of our weekly schedule. She caught me up on the 1st season and we were off. Now they show reruns on SOAPNet and even have a new version that airs on the WB (or whatever it's called now) network.

I've seen pieces of the new version and I have to say that the original is much better (isn't it usually anyway?). That said, they have included a couple of the original cast, which I guess was their way of getting those of us that watched in the 90s to watch again. It was fun when it first came out...Cindy & I would chat about it, make fun of it and reminisce about the old episodes. It was something that we enjoyed and also helped keep her mind off her health problems. It wasn't long after she passed that I was watching the episode where they let us know that Kelly's son is also Luke's (I mean Dylan's) son, and just as I was about to reach for the phone to dish this with her did it dawn on me that I couldn't call her.

I know it sounds stupid, sophomoric,whatever, to be caught up in a show. In college, that show was our way of having fun. Yeah, we could have been like some college students and found a party somewhere or done something else. But this, this was our thing. There were a few others that shared our interest in the show, but we were regulars on that couch in the lobby of Hart Hall. They are memories I will cherish always.

On a side note, Cindy had these 90210 stickers that she would use to embellish envelopes, notes, letters, etc. She once told me that when she was cleaning out items with her scrapbooking she found stickers she didn't have many of, didn't want to use, etc. So she was going to give them to her daughter, Amanda. Cindy's husband, Joe, saw some of the stickers and asked about the 90210 ones and why she wasn't going to give them to Amanda. Cindy said she looked at him and said (I'm sure with a straight face) 'No, those are my good stickers.'

So, regardless of what zip code you have your mail delivered to, memories have been made that can never be forgotten.

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